Monday, February 18, 2013


Another great one from Elder Nelson:

ok well just to letyouknow ill write you a good letter, well we had our interviews this week with the president, he always brnsmefor something, thistime it was because i neede to invite more people wiyth a babtism date!!! but it was coool i have fotos in the turks blog!!! also chatwin loves so you shouldmarry him after your mission, he wants to be aprofessional kicker for footballl, and he so can, hes awesome right, i told ya right gina hea a gurd one!° well i hope bradyn forgives you too because ill he wrote me is that you hate him, a little advice fromme to you is never ever say something that you will regret, id imagine that when jesus got spit upon orslapped im sure that he wanted to say somenasty things but he never did, ive had similar occassions but i can tell you honestly that the scripture that says pray for your enemys and for those who have hurt you, and love those that despise you!!! i feel thast everybody thinks that im the pasty white devil and if i talk to them thell be cursed, it hurts my feelings sometimes when little kids copy there parents and say nesty things to me but the max thingi say to them is good luck in the next life!!! good luck with the pastors, but beleive me itsbad here theres a differenty church on every strreet hbere!!!! well know that i loveyou and that you gave me goosebumps, thanks!!ciao

Monday, February 11, 2013


This was a real good one!

hey chach face i hope you had a good week!!! thanks for the message, you usually send a lot better messages than me!!!! sorry its just i dont have a lot of time!!!! ahey im downloading cheatcodes and lics so send it to everyone please including bradyn and nephi, if you dont do it i wont write you next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean it send it to them!!!hey your mission is a lot bigger than mine!!!! and dont ever ever look at the munbers or the indacadors or your babtisms, if you do than your not a true preach my gopel missionary!!! plaese keep your attitude and love towards the people altisimo!!!! act like your proseliting with dad and with jesus everyday....because they are with you everyday!!! trust me god doesnt look at your numbers he looks if you left your area better than when you found it... thats what ive done in every single one of my areas!!!! youre goin to be great!!! this week was kinds boring but cool!!!! well rachel you should apoligizxe to bradyn because he wrote me and told me you hate him, beware of pride!!!!!!! its the switch that turns of priesthood but humility is what turns it back on, well take care and send me symphony bars!!!!!!!! and send these fotos to bradyn and nephi please!!!!!later love ya

This one was for my brother but I couldn't resist putting it on here!

hey send this email to nephi ok, but do it its not for you!!! hey naruto!! i decided to send pics and cheats but the cheat wouldnt fit in your email so i send it through chach!!! i really didnt read your email but im sure it was lame sauce!!!! this week was chill the usually, i caught some pokemon slapped some nigs in the street and babtizin these nasty peruvians like you do in the toilet!!!!BRO you need to see the movie cheung gong 7, its freakin hilarious, i only saw a part but its awesome, i also drove a motorcycle the other day so that was cool!!!!! hey tell me whats up in your life and send some more pics and tell rachel that chatwin says hi!!!! and that hell bye chach a motorcycle!!! ok well gotta go email mom chidori you later nubster!!! dang it i cant send these fotos my justsus arent working, nephi teach some new juztsus and tell me how to spell that ciao

Monday, February 4, 2013


A good one that I got today! 

heychach face!! hey do you know if you have a bike or a car....i have neither one!! although the other day i rode a motorcycle....dont do that be obediant with exactness!!!! hey but im really excited for you we have to visit oklahoma when you finish!!! how big is your mission!!! sorry i have to go but the next time ill write a huge letter promise and pics!!!!love you so much and know that dad is proud and that you will feel his presence every day!!! love ya ciao